UWHR - Day of Caring 2018


Day of Caring projects took place on Tuesday all across Huron, where 460 volunteers completed 30 projects to help improve the community.


Shown first, Pat Hemen, Cindy Lowery and Bill Schuldt were scraping and painting a house located near Third and Lincoln Avenue for Habitat For Humanity.

Next, hopscotch games were painted downtown outside of Black Tie and PB Sports to add some color and fun to the streets. Pictured from left are Shelly Fuller, Holly Cundy and Sarah May-Trowbridge. 

Next, Ryan Block, Oscar Luque, Devyn Balster and Jake Heuston lay rock at Tiger Stadium’s parking lot.

And next, a team of painters from Prostrollo’s worked on giving the bleachers and walls at  Memorial Ball Park a fresh coat of paint. From left, in the front row are Cally Anderson, Came Anderson and Annick Blanket, while in the back row are Angela Tarasoff, Darren Simons, Dale Steilen and Colby Hoff.