Letter - Williams 9-6-24

Posted 9/6/24

Writer references fundamental freedoms and democracy

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Letter - Williams 9-6-24


To the Editor:

We came out of the worst pandemic since 1918, the largest economic disruption since 1929 and the greatest social unrest since in 1968, with the murder of George Floyd.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris navigated us through those times.

How does demonizing what you believe in, being who you are and loving who you do, make someone else’s life better? A mutual respect has to be a part of who we are.

America has a perception problem. People who look like me have always been portrayed as the boogeyman. How dare we have they audacity to run for higher office. Some people can’t get past skin color and realize that people are just people.

We live in a time of great division. You are asked to play a role in this democracy. In the 1950s and ‘60s, we encountered great barriers. We see those same divisive barriers today. Donald Trump and his minions are still advocating racism and misogyny. We have to give a voice to the voiceless.

Stop banning books. Stop telling women what they can and can’t do with their bodies. Stop telling transgender children what bathroom to use.

These are our fundamental freedoms. It’s up to all of us to be the solution that we seek. If you are for truth, it shouldn’t matter who is telling it. When everybody is treated fairly, we all benefit. True freedom gives us the right to make choices that may be different than yours.

Democrats defended democracy at a moment of great danger.

Democracy will deliver. No one has a monopoly on what it’s like to be an American. Republicans who vote for Kamala Harris are not RINOs or pariahs. They are patriots.

Rap sheet or resume...you choose. The future of America is at stake.

Willie Williams