Letter - Hart 4-2-22

Posted 4/2/22

Writer encourages Dakota Energy to allow new candidates for board

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Letter - Hart 4-2-22


To the Editor:

Dakota Energy member/owners and concerned residents of Beadle, Hand and Hyde Counties. Facts. Three DE board seats are up for election this year. Three non-incumbent members are candidates for these positions.

One of these candidates requested a current membership list so that he could reach out to the entire membership announcing his candidacy and introducing himself. He received a letter from DE’s local attorney stating “DE declines your latest membership list request because it appears to us that you intend to use that information for improper purposes.”

The request was from a very honorable and respected individual/candidate.

A second potential candidate was denied an application in a letter from DE’s local attorney stating there was a conflict of interest. This candidate has worked in the electric utility business most of his career and now has his own electrical contracting business. It is my opinion that DE as a power supplier should not be in the electrical contracting business taking business away from local electrical contractors.

The real conflict of interest is the fact that DE’s local attorney is also District 22’s State Senator and the majority of DE’s membership are also his constituents. It appears to me that DE is going to extreme lengths to circumvent competition for these Board of Directors positions.

And once again DE’s high-profile attorneys are harassing 17 of their current member owners that have openly opposed their agenda with extensive discovery requests with interrogatories. DE continues to set the bar lower and lower in order to hide the truth and achieve their goals. If it looks like a skunk and smells like a skunk it is a skunk.

Douglas Hart
Emily, Minn.