Letter - Lehr 5-12-23

Posted 5/12/23

Writer recognizes National Music Week

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Letter - Lehr 5-12-23


To the Editor:

The Week of May 7-14 marks the 100th anniversary of National Music Week, sponsored by the National Federation of Music Clubs (NFMC). The NFMC seeks to foster an appreciation for the value of music in all areas of our lives, from the home to the entire world.

The 2023 theme is “Music… Is a Worldwide Adventure,” which is a truth I’ve witnessed firsthand. Though one’s connection with music often starts in childhood at home, the ways it can open doors to experiencing the world is real, and one not need be a rockstar to live it - though it does help to work for one.

After years of pushing instrument cases and running sound for new bands in dive bars in the Twin Cities, my husband worked his way into the world of touring with bands and musicians, running sound, selling merchandise, and managing the tour or stage production of the performance, so far traveling to 49 states, three continents and approximately 30 countries.

The touring crew members are the invisible backbone of the music industry, making it possible for a band to play Minneapolis today and Chicago tomorrow, setting up and tearing down an entire show within 12 to 14 hours, then repeating it 4 to 6 times per week.

The view of the world from a tour-bus is a whirlwind, requiring a tenacious spirit and passion for the job. Though show days can be intense, days off yield opportunity for experiencing the city du jour.

The expansion that comes through travel is profound, and it’s been a joy to witness the personal growth of my husband because of traveling and working with people from other countries and cultures, in the spirit of sharing music that touches people deeply.

Andriana Lehr