Letter- Page 6-15-24

Posted 6/15/24

Writer speaks against SB 201

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Letter- Page 6-15-24


To the Editor:

South Dakota is not for sale.

A couple weeks ago our nation celebrated Memorial Day, honoring the men and women who fought and died for our freedoms. Now SB201 is taking that freedom away.

SB201 takes away local control and private property rights. A vast majority of landowners, whether you live in town or in the country, believe in local control. When this bill was written, not one landowner was involved, just Summit and a few legislators. It should be called the Summit Bill of Rights!

People ask why we are fighting so hard for this! Number 1, we want our grandkids to grow up with the same freedoms as we did. Not once was Summit at the farm during an April spring blizzard bringing calves to the barn. Praying to God for rain clouds to save the crops or for a couple sunny days to get the hay put up. So why should an out-of-state, foreign-backed company be allowed to take our land, when they didn’t put any sweat into it?

So please sign the SB201 petition to keep local control and let them know South Dakota is not for sale.

For more information go to: sdnotforsale.com.

Under God the people rule

Kevin and Crystal Page