Nutrition program presentation highlights school board meeting

By Plainsman Staff
Posted 8/27/24

Notes from August 26 School Board meeting

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Nutrition program presentation highlights school board meeting


HURON – A presentation on the summer feeding program, the school lunch program and the Huron School District’s ‘farm-to-student’ initiative highlighted the Monday evening meeting of the Huron School Board

School Nutrition Director Amanda Reilly and Sarah Knouse, Huron High School kitchen manager, shared that this summer’s ‘Grab-n-Go’ bag lunches – consisting of three breakfasts and three lunches and available twice each week – served up 85,740 meals, a 53,000 meal increase over last year’s number.

Knouse thanked the administration for the support involved in the summer meal program, which she noted with greatly appreciated by the participants.

Reilly said that last year’s school meals showed a 23,000 meal increase (483,000 to 460,00 in 2022-23) and that she expects the upward trend to continue.

“I looked back and in 2007-08, we served 380,000 meals, so we have an average increase of 600 meals per day,” Reilly said.

She also noted that future plans include a hydroponic garden at Huron Middle School and increased use of the high school greenhouse to grow more of the salad bar items used in the lunch preparation.

She showed a video regarding partnerships with the Beadle County Conservation District and Plainview Farms near Bryant. Both partnerships increase the amount of locally sourced food that the district has available for students.

Farm-to-School coordinator Karla Sawvell shared some of the insights that go into procuring locally grown products in the school district’s baking, as well as the school’s salad bars.

Dr. Kraig Steinhoff, Huron School District Superintendent, shared that an 11th Kindergarten session has been added, as Kindergarten enrollment has reached 245 students.

The district goal is to maintain classrooms of 21-22 students. Steinhoff also extended kudos to Transportation director and the bus drivers for successfully navigating the numerous construction areas the first week of school with no reported late arrivals.

The board members each spoke briefly about their impressions of sessions at the recent Associated School Boards of South Dakota conference. All agreed that the highlight of the conference was seeing Huron School Board member Garret Bischoff take the gavel as ASBSD president for the next year.

As part of the second reading of the high school and virtual school handbook, board member Ray Cardona questioned the number of absences before a student’s parents are informed, suggesting that instead of adding another it could be maintained at the current level or perhaps drop an absence.

HHS Principal Rodney Mittelstedt noted that parents are notified by the administration each time a student is absent, and it is after four (current) or five (suggested change) that the teacher contacts the parents.

He added that attendance continues to be an issue and he is open to making changes as needed.

The revised Huron High School and Huron Virtual School handbook were approved after the second reading and discussion by the board.

Dr. Steinhoff recommended starting school on Aug. 20 again next year, which is a Wednesday. The date was approved by the board.

The school board chooses the first day of school for the next school years (2025-26) and then Dr. Steinhoff and the district’s calendar committee works on the entire school calendar, which is approved by the board.

In other action, the board
• Approved 10 new hires, three resignations and three new contracts.
• Approved two open enrollment requests.
• Approved advertising agreements with Iverson Motors ($1500 for Tiger Stadium) and Agtegra ($2500 at Huron Arena) for one year.
• Heard a reminder from district Business Manager Kelly Christopherson that Sept. 27 is “Count Day” in the district.

Christopherson noted that the school budged is set on the premise of 3,010 students at $7405.19 per student in state aid, and that attendance thus far is ahead of that number. Last year’s student number was 2,949 students.

The next school board meeting is 5:30 p.m., Monday, Sept. 9, in the Instructional Planning Center on the second floor of Huron Arena.