PEO Chapter F news 9-11-23

Posted 9/10/23

PEO gathers for social

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PEO Chapter F news 9-11-23


P.E.O. Chapter F gathered for a B.I.L. Social on Aug. 22 at the country home of Jason and Sarah Rubish with 34 in attendance. Appetizers, desserts and beverages were served by the committee consisting of Rubish, Erica McNeil, Ann Blondheim, Cheri Leyendecker, Beckie Freeman, Laurie Shelton and Megan Mack. 

A “Guess Who”game relating to the sisters and spouses (B.I.L.’s) revealed some interesting facts. They learned that one B.I.L. had been on the Gong Show and is a member of the Screen Actor’s Guild (SAG), another couple got married in Jamaica with no one present, one sister began playing the piano and organ for church services in seventh grade, one couple began dating when they were 13 and 14 and married seven years later and one B.I.L. began racing flat track motorcycles at the age of 7. 

For the fundraising efforts this year, the chapter will work the gates at the S.D. State Fair.

The first meeting of the 2023-2024 year will be a fall potluck at 5:30 p.m. Sept. 18 at the home of Beckie Freeman, with the yearbook committee serving as hostesses.