Huron College materials to be cataloged at Huron Public Library

By Benjamin Chase of the Plainsman
Posted 6/22/24

Archives moved to library

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Huron College materials to be cataloged at Huron Public Library


HURON — Earlier this week, a large part of the history of Huron moved locations and now awaits being sorted and cataloged.

The Huron College/University archival materials that had been stored at the Campus Center previously were moved to the Huron Public Library, and now the process of sorting and cataloging everything that occupies shelves full of boxes and file cabinets full of materials can begin.

Jennifer Littlefield and Angela Bailey of the Huron Public Library and Marilyn Hoyt of the Huron University Foundation showed a selection of items that had been moved to be documented and potentially digitized in the future.

Hoyt recalled that in the transition of ownership of the college in the late 1990s/early 2000s, the archive room in the old library at the college was flooded with water, which ruined a number of historic items for preservation, making what survived even more valuable. The move to the library allows for a climate-controlled setting and will give a display and research option for the materials.

That will come this fall, though, before library staff can truly sink their teeth into going through the boxes of items.

One thing that is going to occupy the library staff in the meantime is production and promotion of the upcoming book from the library, “Huron: Images of America” that comes out on August 26. The picture book reviewing the history of Huron is available for pre-order, and Bailey mentioned that the Huron College materials could be grounds for another photo/history book.

“We’ll see how this one goes, but we have a lot of stuff here to do another book,” she noted.

Once items are documented and potentially digitized, Bailey and Littlefield imagined a potential display of items within the main library to exhibit some of the more interesting photographs and items to display.

“There’s really a lot here to go through,” Littlefield expressed as she opened a box with land deeds to the various properties that were owned by the college at one point.

Hoyt noted that the all-school reunion for Huron College/University will be held July 19-21 and that keeping these archives for future generations to review is something she looks forward to as everything is documented.

“There are a lot of stories here,” she smiled, looking around the room.