Mental health and humor top issues for CFEL

By Plainsman Staff
Posted 9/30/24

State CFEL convention held in Huron

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Mental health and humor top issues for CFEL


HURON — The South Dakota Community, Family Extension Leaders held their State Convention at the Huron Crossroads Event Center Sept. 20-21. Members from across South Dakota enjoyed the convention that followed the theme, “Christmas in September.”

Registration began on Friday, along with members entering their Cultural Arts exhibits, and silent auction and raffle items. Books, puzzles and movies were available for a freewill donation.

The State officers led the flag procession where members sang the National Anthem. The pledge of allegiance, S.D. state flag pledge, Homemakers Creed and mission statement were recited and the SDCFEL Song was sang.

State President Lynette Culver called the meeting to order.

Greetings were given by Alison Dennis, Area IV Director, with a response given by Dianne Perry, Area IV President, and a welcome was given by Laurie Shelton from the Huron chamber and Visitor Bureau.

Introductions were given by Culver. Standing Rules were given by Ellyn Eddy, Parliamentarian. Roll Call and minutes of the 2023 Convention were given by Beth Hulm, SDCFEL Secretary. Mary Froning, SDCFEL Treasure gave the financial report and the 2025 proposed budget.

Standing Committee reports presented were the Susan Z. Wilder Scholarship by Mary Froning; marketing/membership by Deanne Ness; editor/public relations for Rays of Sunshine by Skip Meisenheimer; and Facebook membership committee by Sara Weishaar.

The Spirit of CFEL was awarded to Diana Landis. The President’s Award was given to Louise Maeschen. Reading, volunteer hours, Public Issue, and oldest club certificates were given to members.

Members held a Christmas sing-a-long with Dianne Perry and Julie Boomsma. After the sing-a-long, members could view cultural arts, silent auction items and the book sale.

The Issues for 2025 are Mental Health and Humor. A program, “Fight Like a Ninja,” was presented by Angela Drake; and Charlotte Henley gave a workshop on humor. Ashley Kingdon-Reese from the Angel Haus also gave a presentation.

Theresa Horn demonstrated two crafts for the convention — a Snowman made out of a wine bottle and a Snowman Top hat.

Entertainment for the Friday night banquet included Jan Reinschmidt playing on her saw, and Karen dancers with their beautiful costumes.

A memorial service was held Saturday morning in memory of those who passed on. Election of state officers was held. Mary Froning was named state CFEL treasurer, Edith Harmon, Area II director; and Ellyn Eddy, Area IV director.

At the Awards Luncheon, Sue Gose was presented a 60-year membership award.

Area I and Area II gave the invitation to the 2025 State Convention that will be held in Spearfish next year, Sept. 19-20.

Awards for cultural arts and people’s choice were given, and results from the silent auction, book sale, and raffle were shared.

President Lynette closed the business meeting. State officers retired the flags, with members singing “America, the Beautiful.”

The State Convention which was hosted by Area IV, Beadle County. The club would like to thank those who attended and the Huron businesses that helped make this convention a success.